Explore what disasters (natural or man-made) have historical data and memories in your settlement. Describe them and illustrate them with photographs or drawings.


When the people living in Bechet have been asked questions about the most recent disaster produced in their locality, the most frequent answer has been “The floods from 2006”.

We, all the people that were in Bechet in 2006, we can still remember all the efforts which have been done for preventing the disaster that was to come and the efforts necessary to decrease the consequences of this disaster and for helping the affected citizens.

A nightmare lived by the people from Bistret commune, in 2006. On the 23rd of April 2006, with the occasion of the Easter Holidays, the  authorities issued an  alarm, the alarm has not been activated  for 40 years, this time announcing that is starts the inhabitants'  evacuation who are situated in front of the Danube's waters.

The localities situated on the Danube Valley such as Ciupercenii Vechi, Calafat, Desa, Rast have periodically experienced floods and flash floods because of the Danube.

The most recent disaster of this type has been produced about 11 years ago, in April 2006, when the waters have destroyed the protection pier from Ciupercenii Vechi, by flooding the agricultural lands, the roads and the people’s houses.


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