News archive 2012
Bulgarian National Television broadcast a reportage for the Centre
for Street Children (named in the reportage Center for Children at
Risk) - social service in community, delivered by Free Youth Centre
in the Roma neighborhood of Vidin. See
Ministry of Health awards Free Youth Centre
a certificate for care through sexual health education for vulnerable
young people by their trained peers.
On Christmas Day in Slavi's Show aired the Ivan Kulekov's movie "Humans"
about the volunteering, in which find place Free Youth Center - Vidin.
Christmas was celebrated at the Centre for Street Children in play,
poems, songs and lots of gifts. Some of them were provided by the
British charity organization Phoenix
Inspire, which is working in Bulgaria.
-17.12.2012. In Vidin and Montana held a presentation of the project
"Volunteering for Social Cohesion" to potential beneficiaries
- providers of social services and hight schools. The purpose of the
presentation was to attract participants in project activities.
Free Youth Centre held a press conference for local and national media
in conjunction with the launch of the project "Volunteering for
Social Cohesion", funded under the Romania Bulgaria Cross-Border
Cooperationfrom Programme 2007 to 2013. Lead partner is Romanian organization
Free Youth Centre organizes training for the staff of the Center for
Street Children and the Social Services Centre for Children and Families
in Vidin to work with parents. The training was conducted by the Institute
for Social Activities and Practices - Sofia.
Craiova, Romania hosted a meeting of the management team of the project
Volunteering for Social Cohesion, funded under the Cross-Border Cooperation
Romania - Bulgaria Programme. Free Youth Centre is a partner of association
Vasilada - Craiova in the project inplementation. The purpose of the
meeting was the planning of activities in its initial stage.
On the feast of Vidin - St.Dimitar Day volunteers from Phoenix club
of the Free Youth Centre surprised residents and guests with so called
"Flash-mob". The performance attracted many young people.
In "Bozhuritsa", near Vidin, took place training for volunteers,
who are working under programme "Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS",
component 7. The theme of the seminar was "Enhancing competencies
of peer educators". The training coincided with the birthday
of volunteer club "Phoenix", who turned one year.
The team of the programme "Improvement of TB case detection and
success treatment among Roma population" and volunteers visited
Belogradchik Roma neighborhood within the campaign "Together
to Beat TB".
Free Youth Centre organized a campaign in the Roma neighborhood of
Vidin on the theme "Together to Beat TB" with the participation
of local team of the programme "Improvement of TB case detection
and success treatment among Roma population" and young volunteers.
The campaign aims both - to inform for the disease and to motivate
risk groups for free on place testing.
Free Youth Centre join the Roma Pride - Pride Day of Roma ethnicity.
On Saturday volunteers from both ethnics (Roma/Bulgarian) handing
out printed materials to citizens of Vidin with messages of tolerance.
The local team of the programme "Improvement of TB case detection
and treatment success among Roma population", performed in Vidin
by Free Youth Centre, participates in training and exchange of experience
with colleagues working on the programme throughout the country. The
seminar was held at the hotel Augusta, Hisar.
Representatives of FYC participated in a youth project in Zakopane,
Poland. The theme of the exchange "Your success depends on your
activities" was discussed by 22 representatives of Poland, Bulgaria,
Italy, Greece, Croatia, Latvia and Spain. Activities and meetings
were focused on methods to motivate young people for improving of
qualification and finding a job after their graduation.
The Centre for Street Children (structure of FYC) was visited by the
famous Bulgarian writer Ivan Koulekov. Currently Mr. Kulekov makes
a film about volunteering in Bulgaria.
Representatives of FYC participated in the Balkan forum for tolerance
organized by the Open club Nis. The activity is part of a project funded
by Europena Union's program "Support to civil society". You
can find more information about the forum on
Free Youth Centre organized a campaign on the occasion of International Day of solidarity with those affected by HIV / AIDS, celebrated every third Sunday of May including the following activities: planting a flower red ribbon - symbol of the fight with AIDS, lighting candles around the flower bed, distributing condoms and candles to citizens. Volunteers gave the chance to Vidin citizens to express their opinion about this day by writing a message on a specially-designed posters in the form of red ribbon.
The conclusion forum under the project "Regional Integration with a Social Effect" was held in Vidin, which brought back the social providers in the Bulgarian-Serbian border area. Objectives of the meeting were continuing consolidation in the social sector in the region and sharing of innovative practices. The network of social providers has been formalized through the creation of a consortium with same name as the project - RISE, to continue collaboration
after its completion.
The exposition "Good practices in social services in the Bulgarian-Serbian
border area" was presented in Vidin. The aim of the exhibition
is to show the achievements of social service providers in the context
of ongoing reform in both countries. The event is held within Project
RISE, in which FYC is a lead partner. A presentation of the exposition
is forthcoming also in the Republic of Serbia.
Tsvety and Samuil - both former volunteers of the Free Youth Centre are now a family. Congratulations!
Public Council at the Center for Street Children (structure of FYC)was
established in Vidin. The meeting was attended by representatives of
Vidin Municipality, Directorate "Social Support", Regional
Inspectorate of Education, local government in Nov Pat neighborhood
and the head of CSC. The Council aims at increasing the efficiency of
social service by coordinating the interaction with the institutions,
external support and public control.
The second project RISE staff meeting took place in the office of the
project partner Open club - Nish. The aim of the meeting was the implementation
of the project to be evaluated and the following three months to be
planned. Is was underlined that the implementation of the project wholy
corresponds to the planned one.
The planned training "Cross Border Cooperation - strategic planning
and project's preparation" under the project RISE for social sphere
experts in Bulgaria - Serbia cross- border region took place in the
hotel "Skalite" - Belogradchik. Eight selected through competition
experts from both countries participated in the training.
The children from the Centre for work with children on the street(structure
of FYC) took part in the town celebration of Roma New Year. You can
find video from the event in YouTube.